Prehabilitation (Prehab) – Why You Need Physical Therapy Before Surgery
What is Prehab?

Prehabilitation is defined as a process of improving the functional capability of a patient prior to a surgical procedure so the patient can withstand any postoperative inactivity and associated decline. In other words, to get you to a better place physically before an operation so you can come out stronger on the other side.

It usually includes physical therapy exercises aimed at optimizing your functional capabilities and range of motion. Once you’ve completed that grueling athletic competition or more often a surgical procedure, your pre-improved body will find it that much easier to respond to any necessary rehabilitation efforts, helping you get back on your feet and back to doing what you love.

Why is Prehab so important?

If you’ve never even heard of prehab before, you may be wondering why this form of physical therapy is considered so valuable. After all, you’d still have to recuperate from surgery anyway, right? But think about how long that recuperation period might last. Following major surgery, for instance, you might be bedridden, or at least non-ambulatory, for weeks. During that time, muscles lose their tone, while connective tissues grow shorter and tighter. You might even be prone to developing adhesions (scar tissue that grows across adjacent tissues) or chronic stiffness problems such as “frozen shoulder” (adhesive capsulitis). As a result, your rehabilitation could become a grueling, extended ordeal.

Prehab can differently make a difference in your ability to bounce back from major surgical procedures. Research has indicated that hip/knee surgery patients who undergo prehab are 73 percent less likely to need inpatient rehabilitation. In another study, patients who had prehab before undergoing ACL surgery returned to their chosen sports more quickly than those who didn’t receive prehab.

Prehab is also critically important for athletes or other workers gearing up for a high-intensity job or event.

By pre-conditioning your body before you even begin your serious pre-event preparations, you can avoid the training injuries that put participants on the bench instead of in the game. Building the necessary flexibility, strength, and balance beforehand can allow you to train — and perform — at 100 percent. Best of all, you have a better chance of avoiding avoid injuries such as ACL ruptures which might otherwise put you on the operating table.

Come to PTA for your Prehab:

Our physical therapist can design a customized prehab plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns. For Example, if you’re planning to have hip or knee surgery, we may prescribe whatever exercises these joints can comfortably bear, including water walking, aerobics, and flexibility exercises.

We will also work on correcting any musculoskeletal imbalances that might complicate your rehabilitation. If cancer has already weakened you before a much-needed surgery to remove the tumor, we can help you build your strength, stamina, and endurance. Prehab can even help patients prepare for heart surgery.

When you think of physical therapy, don’t just think “rehab” — think “prehab.” Contact PTA Physical Therapy to learn more about how we can help make your next surgery easier! Need to request an evaluation? Click HERE and we’ll contact you within 24 hours.